Punjab Excise and Taxation Officer Exam coaching in jalandhar |
Helpline : 9464645100 | 9463138669 |
Call 9463138669, Anand Classes – Punjab Excise and Taxation Officer/Inspector/Audit Inspector Exam Coaching Center in Jalandhar, Punjab.
ANAND CLASSES offers Punjab Excise and Taxation Officer Exam Coaching in Urban Estate Phase-II Jalandhar. ANAND CLASSES is the prevalent establishment in the Jalandhar for Punjab Government Exams. It is surely famous for its selective class management classes and productive Best Punjab Excise and Taxation Officer Exam coaching institute in Jalandhar.
The faculty at ANAND CLASSES is highly qualified and vastly experienced in successfully coaching students for Punjab Government Recruitment Exams.
ANAND CLASSES is known as leading institute for preparation of Punjab Excise and Taxation Officer Exam Coaching in Jalandhar. We at ANAND CLASSES provide coaching for Punjab Government Recruitment Exams from the past 15 years. The PSSSB Recruitment Exams Coaching Center in Jalandhar, Punjab.
Fresh batches for Punjab Excise and Taxation Officer Exam are going to start. ANAND CLASSES Coaching Institute is the only well known coaching institute in Jalandhar that provides coaching for Punjab Government Recruitment Exams.
At ANAND CLASSES Coaching Institute, we constantly strive to improve our teaching methodology, study material and classroom assignments. The Course Methodology is dynamic as it takes into account the changes that we notice in the pattern of the examination.
Excise Inspector as the name itself
indicates is an Officer who deals with the Excise duty related matters of the
Central Board of Excise and Custom Taxes acronym of CBEC, a department of
central government in India. Excise Inspectors as is one of the feared name
among excise defaulters and smugglers. It is the responsibility of the Excise
Inspectors to hunt for those defaulters and bring them to the notice of the
department so that they can be compelled to pay their tax according to rules
made by the department.
As excise and customs duty is one of the important source of the income that
the government has to spend on the developmental works therefore it become
important that the tax could be properly levied and collected so that the
developmental works of the government could be continued uninterrupted.
But to do this work is not an
easy task as some time they have to deal with high profile businessman having
their godfather in some corrupt politicians and in administration. Therefore
this job is considered a tough job and this makes it a high profile carrier for
and devoted young ones. But to discharge his duties one has to be very brave,
hardworking, honest as well as tactful as he has to deal with so many high
profile people that may use their influence in high echelons to save themselves
and in turn prove the officer wrong or impartial.
To be an Excise Officer one has to undergo a selection process of written and
Oral exams conducted by Staff Selection Commission so that only the competent
few among so many aspirants could be selected
Excise Inspector Eligibility |
Eligibility required to become an Excise Inspector
1. Educational Qualification
To be eligible for becoming an Excise Inspector one should hold a Bachelor of any stream.
2. Age
The candidate must have attained the age of 18 years on 1st July of the year of examination and must not have attained 27 years of age on that date.
The upper age limit will be
relaxed by 3 years for OBC candidates and 5 years for SC/ST candidates.
The upper age limit is also relaxed in favor of certain categories of employees
working under the Government of India and Defense Services Personnel.
How to become an Excise Inspector ? |
To be an Excise Inspector one has to follow the below given steps:-
Step 1
As a first step the aspirant has to procure the “Application Form” along with required information from the employment newspaper generally published in the month of April sent the filled Application form to the regional centers as mentioned.
Note:- The notification for the examination with relevant details regarding rules and syllabus is published in the month of April in the 'Employment News' / 'Rozgar Samachar' , 'Gazette of India', and in some leading Newspapers of the country.
Step 2
Preliminary Examination
In the month of May or June the aspirants have to take the “Preliminary examinations” consisting of two papers. The papers are on:
Subject |
No. of Question |
Marks |
Time |
General Intelligence and General Awareness (Part A) |
100 |
100 |
2 Hrs. |
Arithmetic |
100 |
100 |
2 Hrs. |
Note:- This exam is just a qualifying exam for the Final exam and scores obtained in this exam are not added
to make the final result.
Step 3
Main Examination
Those candidates who are declared
qualified in the “Preliminary examination” are supposed to take the final exam.
Final examination will consists of two part. Part A will be of written
examination and second Part B will be of Personality Test.
Subject |
Max. Marks |
Duration |
General Studies |
200 Marks |
3Hr. |
English |
100 Marks |
2Hrs. 20 Min. |
Arithmetic |
200 Marks |
4Hrs. |
Language |
100Marks |
2 Hrs. 20 Min |
Communication Skill and writing |
200 Marks |
2 Hrs. 20 Min |
Step 4
Personality Test
Once you are through the final stage is the interview. The aspirants are grilled in the interview to test their personality and mental ability. Then the final list of the successful candidates is prepared.
Excise Inspector Salary
An Excise Inspector gets the pay scale of Rs.6,500-Rs.10,500.The Government of India has fixed salary grades for its employees at various posts. Although they keep on changing with new pay commission.
Note : The above scales only provide an idea of the pay scales. Different branches of the service have different scales of pay. Even personnel of same branches may have different pay according to their area of posting and responsibility they are holding at a particular time.
In addition to the salary Excise Inspector receive various types of allowances such as Dearness Allowance, City compensatory Allowance, Leave Travel Allowance, Medical and subsidized housing.
Excise Inspector Career Prospects
Excise Inspector can go upto the rank of Excise Commissioner with time.